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Martin and Cynthia

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Pensioners Used as Cheap Source of Labour in Comox

While I was driving past a building site in Comox the other day, I happened to see this old man sitting on a pile of lumber at the site. He was looking to his left at a huge pile of concrete which was from the driveway to the house, and had been broken up to allow entry to the site. When I talked to him, from my car, he told me he was a retired teacher who was doing odd jobs to supplement his pension income. He had asked the owner of the home, who was also the general contractor, for a job, and had been given the job of breaking up the concrete driveway. I felt sorry for him as he sat on the wood-pile looking wistfully at the rock-pile he now had to move. I think it's such a shame when poor fellows such as this old man have to go out and earn a second living because they can only afford a sack of rice per week on which to live.

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