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Martin and Cynthia

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Jacquie Lawson e-cards

Thursday, February 12, 2009

An Important Milestone

Today was another important step in the lives of some of the family. Tim and Andi registered Charlotte for kindergarten to begin in September. Kindergarten!...I can't believe it. It just seems like yesterday that we were waiting to hear the result from Andi's C-section as to whether or not they had a son or daughter and how big the child would be . It hardly seems possible that Charlotte will begin her formal schooling in September. Where did the in between years go? However, Charlotte is ready, she is so keen to learn, to be with other kids of her own age and to try new experiences. I think that kindergarten is just what she needs right now. I'm sure that these few months going through the spring, the summer and into the fall will go very quickly, particularly for Tim and Andi her parents and for Cynthia, Bill, Jo and myself, her grandparents. For Charlotte, I'm sure that they will go slowly as she can't wait and is excited about going. Here's to the beginning of another, wonderful step in her life. Bring it on!

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