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Go Canucks go!
Best wishes,
Martin and Cynthia

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Charlotte Stays Overnight...A first!

On the weekend Charlotte came to stay overnight. It was the first time for her to do this at our home. Andi and Tim had prepped her very well for it by talking about the stay many times well in advance. The overnight stay meant that Tim and Andi could have a nice night out to celebrate their third wedding anniversary. Tim had been in hospital earlier in the week which was on their actual wedding date. He had also missed Mother's Day this year and last year because he was also in the hospital on those occasions.
Charlotte arrived on Saturday evening with her Mum and Dad and then they took off for a meal and a visit to the theatre to see the local performance of Cats. We had dinner together at the house then took Charlotte to the beach to play and to visit the park. Cynthia got Charlotte ready for bed when we came home. Charlotte had a bath first then some stories, but it was quite obvious she was not ready to sleep, particularly as she had slept for a long while in the afternoon. At one stage, as I sat in the living room, I heard shrieks of laughter coming from upstairs and crept up to see what was going on. I found the two of them bouncing on the bed in the back bedroom and having a rare old time.
Eventually Charlotte was ready for sleep and she went out like a light. Early next morning at 5:45 Am, she awoke in a daze. Cynthia picked her up and took her into our bed where she slept until 8:00 Am. We had breakfast together and later on, about mid-morning, Tim and Andi came to get her. It had been a fine time, one which we hope to repeat many times in the future.
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